How to reset windows 8 password.
What if you have forgotten your windows 8 password. How to recover it in the most safe way without using any third party softwares. There are many free softwares from third parties to recover lost password in windows 8, where most of them are not so safe and advisable to use. So in this guide there i no involvement of any third party software. the procedure is a bit long but not too complicated. Freetrics will try to explain the steps in the simplest form. The recovery in windows 8 is a kinda different from previous windows versions, so lets see how to recover lost password on windows 8.Windows 8 password reset requirements.
- Blank cd Or windows 8 installation cd
- Cd drive with windows 8 operating system.
- These tools are needed to make windows 8 recovery cd.
- If you dont have a cd drive on your windows 8 pc you can use a usb pen drive to make the recover for your windows 8.
How to make a recovery of windows 8 on a cd
- Go to control panel.
- Windows 8 file recovery.
- Create a system recover disk (choose system recovery drive for creating recovery on the usb pendrive).
- Once the recovery procedure is completed you are ready to take the next step.
How to run the recovery cd or drive to recover password on your locked windows 8 pc.
Once you are all set with the recovery cd for windows 8 lets move on to the locked windows 8 pc.- Insert the recovery disc (usb pendrive) and boot the locked windows 8 pc.
- It will open the command prompt screen.
- Those who are having windows 8 installation cd can use it and on the first installation screen press the combination “shift key=f10 key” to start the command prompt.
- Type in the disk partition in which you installed your windows 8, in most cases it would be on c drive.
- so type “c” and enter.
- “cd windows” enter.
- “cd system32″ enter.
- “copy cmd.exe cmd.exe.original” enter.
- “Utilman.exe Utilman.exe.original” enter.
- “del Utilman.exe” enter.
- “ren cmd.exe Utilman.exe” enter.
- “Shutdown -r -t 00″ enter.
- On the left bottom of the logon screen you will see the ease of access icon.
- Click on that icon this will again open the command prompt window.
- “net user” enter.
- “net user Reboot.Pro”
- Now the command prompt will ask you to enter the new password. enter the new password and press enter.
- Command prompt will ask you to confirm the new password retype your new password and press enter.
- The command prompt will show a success message.
- Type “exit” and click enter to exit command prompt.
You should reset the changes made to the cmd file that you made through command prompt. To do this follow the steps below.
- “c” enter.
- “cd windows” enter.
- “cd system32″ enter.
- “del Utilman.exe” enter.
- “ren Utilman.exe.original Utilman.exe” enter.
- “ren cmd.exe.original cmd.exe” enter.
- “shutdown -r -t 00″ enter.
That is it, that was all about the windows 8 lost password recovery. If you have any queries on this article you can discuss it in the comments section. keep visting us and stay subscribed for updates on similar topics. Share it with your friends if you found this post helful. Thanks for reading us.